
7 top tips to help you survive your first job interview!

"Nation of awkward teens need help to shake hands and [...]

2023-09-04T09:19:46+00:00February 1st, 2015|Assessment Centres, Personal Coaching, Personal Development, Training Delivery|Comments Off on 7 top tips to help you survive your first job interview!

Is Transactional Analysis a viable business tool? Psychology for business –

Transactional Analysis or TA as it is commonly known as, [...]

2023-09-04T09:19:48+00:00November 27th, 2014|Executive Coaching, Personal Coaching, Training Delivery|Comments Off on Is Transactional Analysis a viable business tool? Psychology for business –

5 steps to running a successful parents’ support group

5 steps to running a successful parents' support group Reading an [...]

2023-09-04T09:20:20+00:00September 21st, 2014|Consulting, Course Design, Education, Train the Trainer, Training Delivery|Comments Off on 5 steps to running a successful parents’ support group
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